dAIta Room

The Future is Digital Intellectual Property Share Trading, Powered By AI Data Rooms.

Art masterpieces, new algorithms, industry changing patents ...

... intellectual property is quickly becoming the single most valuable asset class.

Buying and selling IP can be so challenging that it requires many expensive experts to get a deal done. DaiTa Room revolutionizes the IP market by making it easy. DaiTa Room enables buying and selling fractional shares of valuable IP via online aunctions accompanied by ai enabled due diligence data rooms.

For IP Sellers

DaiTaRoom makes it easy to monetize your IP via digital intellectual property auctions:
  • Instantly create tradeable, secure digital intellectual property certificates (DIPs) which represent fractional shares of your IP
  • Upload due diligence information into secure data rooms
  • AI auction assistants field Q&A in the data rooms
  • Promote the auction using DaiTa Room marketing tools
  • Post-auction value through DIP crypto trading on Ethereum and other platforms.

For IP Buyers

DaiTaRoom makes it safe and private to gain exposure to valuable IP:
  • Secure Title of Ownership: Cryptographically unforgeable, instantly verifiable
  • Buy DIPs with confidence knowing that the IP has been vetted by the DaiTa Room team
  • Post-auction liquidity of DIP crypto-tokens
  • Secure access to data rooms where information is easy to find with the help of AI auction assistants
  • DIPs are crypto tokens which keep your identity anonymous but still allow the transactions and ownership claim to be be publicly verified

Secure, Efficient DIP Trading Powered by AI

DaiTaRoom streamlines the process of buying, selling, and managing Digital Intellectual Property (DIP) shares through a secure, AI-powered platform.

Cryptographically Secure

Each DIP is backed by blockchain technology, ensuring immutable ownership records and secure transactions.

Vetted Deals

Our team carefully reviews IP assets before auctions, providing a layer of trust for buyers.

Expertly Trained AI

AI assistants help you navigate data rooms, answer questions, and streamline the due diligence process.

IPOs: IP is better than Stock

Get direct ownership in the IP assets instead of buying stock from a company which may not have developed the IP yet and then double taxes you when they do.

Portfolio: Online DIP Wallet

Manage your portfolio of DIPs within a secure online wallet, enabling easy tracking and management.

DEX Trading of DIPs

Enjoy post-auction liquidity by trading your DIPs on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

Key DaiTaRoom Features

Experience the seamless functionality that makes DaiTaRoom the premier platform for DIP trading.

DIP Auction Dashboard

View active listings, track your bids, and manage your auction participation.

Secure DIP Wallet

Manage your portfolio of DIPs, track their value, and initiate DEX trades.

IP Due Diligence

Access vetted data rooms with AI-powered Q&A for efficient deal analysis.

Blockchain-Verified Deals

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with cryptographically secure ownership and transactions.

IPO Notifications

Get alerted to the latest and most promising DIP auctions and IPOs.

DEX Integration

Seamlessly trade your DIPs on decentralized exchanges for post-auction liquidity.

Features You'll Value

DaiTaRoom empowers both IP buyers and sellers with cutting-edge tools and safeguards.

IP Protection & Trust

DaiTaRoom ensures rock-solid security for your valuable IP assets and transactions.

Cryptographic Ownership Verification

Blockchain-Backed Transactions

Thorough Due Diligence Data Rooms

Vetted IP Offerings

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Efficiency & Accessibility

DaiTaRoom streamlines the IP market, opening doors for creators and investors alike.

Fractional IP Ownership (DIPs)

AI-Assisted Due Diligence

User-Friendly Auction Platform

DEX Integration for Liquidity

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